Sunday, November 16, 2008

If cuteness could cure cancer, this would do it.

So freaking cute.


Mighty Dyckerson said...

Geez. Looks like a Down's Syndrome kid.

karla said...

Dyckie, you're so evil. I would wish testicular cancer on you, if only you had testicles.

I hope one of your ovaries gets infected.

Brown said...

Beer Face! Heheheheh . . . .

Anonymous said...

lol @ beer face.

Benjamin Rubenstein said...

Actually, she already cured me twice. The more Down Syndrome, the more curing power. It's science.

tfg said...

I see the family tradition of debilitating constipation continues. Change the text on her shirt and we could be looking at the next Metamucil Posterchild.

pylorns said...

yeah, that is funny as hell.


Baby bashers! How brutal the net is.
I think she is adorable.

Anonymous said...

Post something! We miss you!

Anonymous said...

Again with the no posting. What are we going to do with you? I thought I had a bad December with the lack of posts, but you haven't posted in a month and a half!

Seth Dean said...

Appreciiate your blog post