I know you guys are probably all wrapped up in the election results tonight, but I'm here to talk about something way more important: My personal mission to do away with the infernal NaBloPoMo.
NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) is always hyped as a creative writing tool, but there is nothing less creative than the stuff you guys crap out when forcing yourself to blog every day for a month. The reason you (and I, for that matter) don't blog on a given day is that there's nothing interesting to say that day. Now imagine a million uninspired people forcing themselves to blog every day for a month, starting nearly every post with a zinger like, "Well, it's day __ of NaBloPoMo, and I have nothing interesting to say, but..." followed by 9 paragraphs describing something as mind-numbing as a phone call from grandma, a critique of a coworker's shoes, or a debate about whether to switch cell phone providers. The most bizarre part is how, at the end of the month, your last post always describes how proud you are of the fact that you were "successful" at NaBloPoMo. That tells me that you are misinterpreting the word "successful" to mean "able to consistently achieve mediocrity through the written word." 

Do us all a favor and vow NOT to participate in NaBloPoMo this year. If you're already committed to it, then at least remove the word "NaBloPoMo" from every post, because that's like announcing, "This is going to suck" in big letters across the top of the post. Allow us the temporary illusion that you blogged today because you were inspired, and not because there's a national bore-a-thon going on and you're determined not to be left out.
Thank you.
YOU PREGNANT BABBLER!!! I don't need NaYoMoFo to post something boring and meaningless. I've been doing that for THREE YEARS and counting.
I feel the EXACT same way. Why do people torture themselves (and their readers)?
I joined NaBloPomo to see if I can do it without resorting to mindless drivel. If that does happen? I'll quit. Not all of us are in it just to write 9 paragraphs of crap.
But I do see your point.
I notice you're obsessing AGAIN about other people blogging about shoes. Why don't you put up a big fat post about shoes, with pictures of yours, etc. etc. and GET IT OVER WITH.
Sheesh...I am so guilty of naming the posts, but I REFUSE to post drivel. Substance ONLY!
Though I might resort to posting photos of my hot shoes. Just sayin'.
I'm participating in NACOFABLOEVAGMO this year. That's National Continue to Fail to Blog Ever Again Month. So far it's a hoot.
Dang, girl - you don't have email on your site! Here's proof (and more photos) to show I'm old and LOOK forty:
Funny you should mention this--four days too late to stop me from committing myself to the stupid thing. And if anyone should be committed it's me.
I'm way ahead of you on this one. :) I just have to remember to go "unsubscribe" from the emails from last year because they are driving me bonkers.
omg - my sentiments exactly. why on earth did i join the insanity??
Is this a serious deal? Because I just wrote for 30 days straight and I thought I was the only one doing it. I'll be so pissed if it was someone else's idea. Damn.
You won't catch me doing it. I have nothing interesting to say anyway.
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