I know what makes you tick.
Which is why I'm pleased to provide you with a link, and an errand, that I feel confident will make your drab, sad life a little brighter.
My friend Kendra is super hot. Big deal, you may be saying--lots of girls are hot. But Kendra has a special, extra quality that not all hot girls have--she's willing to get on stage and shake it. She performs in burlesque shows...which is just plain hot, not matter how you slice it. Well, it's hot if you happen to look like Kendra. If you look like you, don't even consider it.

So please, go one and all to this site and vote for Kendra. She's the 10th one down on the left, Dizzy Von Damn. It's one vote per IP address, so if you have more than one computer, or can break into more than one house with a computer, feel free to vote as many times as you're able. You can also check her out on Myspace.
Then you can get back to carving up squirrels and arranging the body parts into your ex-girlfriend's name on the lawn. I don't want to take up your whole day.
And what about the percentage of us whose biggest wish is to find a pair of knockers filled with vodka? That's right, I said it: Vodka Knockers. Maybe that's why I like coming here: you're the closest thing I've found to a women with actual Vodka Knockers.
You mean you don't have a few pics holed up hubby took of you with the Polaroid in the bedroom?
You shamelessly plugging babbler!!! Before I can vote with confidence, I'll need Kendra to come over and demonstrate her skills for me in my boudoir. And I will need to videotape the festivities for YouTube.
As you requested - Kendra (Dizzy Von Damn) got my vote. I had the misfortune to have enlarged a few of the others - they were nasty! (Not her.)
I hope you have a great New Year. I won't say the same for Christmas - as I read your previous post.
That has to be one of the most uniquely truthful online-voting plug I've seen. But then again, I don't live on my computer all of the time, I get out from time to time.
But what is a burlap show? I have to plead ignorance as I've stepped into a nuddie bar twice in my life; once for bachelor party, second time with my estranged wife.
mighty dyckerson-
you want youtube?
you got it.
Blogwhoring for female hotties, you show promise KB.
Kendra gets the Wombat vote. But not because you said so. In fact, I had to weigh my love for Kendra against my pathological need to oppose you at every step you take. It was a close call. in the end I decided to go ahead and vote for Kendra and to make up for it by mailing you a box of my feces that I've been collecting since October. According to FedEx it should be arriving...
There you go. Answer your door.
She's cute, and she knows how to twirl her knockers. Not a fan of the tatoos.
Done...just for my Beav :)
I tried to vote many times but it would only let me vote once.
Kendra is super hot...and I voted for her. But too bad her blog is set to invite only. I guess she knows your blog reading population is full of freaks.
i voted and now i'm depressed! i'd give anything to have 1/2 the bod.
There are places I go that serve both booze and boobs. I do love those places
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