So Jake has now ventured into the world of solid foods, apparently against his better judgment.
He was happy enough with our original arrangement, which would generally find him lounging contentedly on a big comfy pillow where I would bottle feed him til he became drowsy. Then he would snooze for a bit on the pillow, smiling to himself in his sleep, til I carried him off to his crib. I have to admit, the whole situation does soun

d very relaxing.
Now, thanks to the advice of his meddlesome pediatrician, Jake's cushy arrangement is disintegrating right before his eyes. He is now forced to sit in a high chair, slowly sliding down in his seat like an old m

an in a wheelchair, til I readjust him to a respectable posture again a couple times per meal. On top of that, I keep coming at him with spoonfuls of white goo which he is often accommodating enough to allow me to stuff into his mouth, but not so crazy as to keep it in there. He treats the whole situation as if he believes I am clearly insane, and it's best to humor me in the hopes that this ugliness will pass. He good-naturedly wears the offending white goo on his face, bib, hands and clothes for the remainder of the "meal," ambitiously seeking out new places to smear it, til one or both of us tires of this charade and Jake gets his comfy pillow and bottle feeding once again. In the evenings, when his temper is a bit shorter, he won't tolerate this scenario at all, immediately getting cranky at the first sighting of the spoon. At this point, I'm doing the whole "let's work together to get your face and body covered in baby cereal" thing with Jake generally three times a day, and just bottle feeding the rest of the meals. As per the instructions of the meddlesome pediatrician, we will move on to vegetables in a week or two, at which point the pictures and the laundry will no doubt become a lot more colorful.
What a cute baby! I ate the same stuff when I was a baby. Never did figure out what it is, though.
Not only the laundry but the poop. Hell hath no fury than a solid-food fed baby's poop.
Great pics, K.
^ That's me up there ^
Try feeding him in the bouncy chair. No sliding and a bit more relaxing. Well, it worked with my kids. Maybe it'll work for yours.
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