Thursday, September 29, 2005

Confessions of a former goofball

This is my old license plate from when I lived in Missouri.

Yes, you may mock me now.


Anonymous said...

If that's supposed to be Metallica, I will absolutely NOT mock you. That's just cool. I'm tired and it took me a minute to get that far. If it's something else, then I'm probably dumb. :) But Metallica's still cool.

karla said...

Yep, that's what it's supposed to be. Thank you for not mocking me.

I'm still bracing myself for the upcoming mocking (by those less enlightened than yourself, my Jellybean friend).

Anonymous said...

I'm not mocking either. I forgot how I got here but I'm hooked. And from the looks of your links list, it seems we have some "mutual friends." Just wanted to say hi! Your blog is genius!

Christi said...

I LOVE IT! I want one!

leesepea said...

Oh, I mock.



There really is nothing to do in Missouri!

Miladysa said...

No mocking here - as a Donny Osmond fan - how could I mock? :)

Anonymous said...

I know you have told me about this, but the visual is just too damn funny. I love you - Metallica license plate and all!
I miss you...V

karla said...

Oh, man. You had to ask. It was a black Trans Am. A nice, new car at the time...but then with the Metallica plates it was kind of overkill, huh? Well, what can I say, it was cool at the time. Plus, I lived in the tiniest rural town imaginable.

nita said...

*i* thought is was a mountain somewhere so no mocking here. and i'm a GIANT vanity plate offender...i'll post them at my place soas not to suck up valuable real estate here :)

Paul Michael Peters said...

Did you have a golden chicken on the hood? Was Smokey chasing you across the county line as you drove Coors beer to a wedding?

The plate I can respect, but the car? Come on baby – what happened?

Does your husband know? Do you have a plan to break it to the child when it grows up?

You are the best Karla.

Badger said...

I won't mock you. I will, however, throw down with you over James Hetfield because he's MINE, even though I married a guy who looks just like Lars. But if you're more into Kirk or something, then it's all good.

Poka Bean said...

i was going to hold my tongue until i read about the trans am. karla, honestly!

Yoda said...

Not mocking, either. The license plate on my BMW is "ISGUTJA".

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Was "Heavy" not available? And how about "Gross"? Not available?

What music was playing when you woke up in the alley? "Pebbles of Ages?"

Kiki said...

Ahhhhhhhhh ha ha ha!! That's awesome Karla!

Maven said...

Leesepea... um... are we related? I had a bathing suit JUST. LIKE. THAT. when I was 10.

ninjapoodles said...

Got here via Nita's site...this got me to thinking--I would consider myself a "former goofball", too. But then--if we didn't realize that we were goofballs then, isn't the probability that we may very well STILL be goofballs, and just think we outgrew it?

I'm gonna go curl up in a ball now.

Anonymous said...

As much shit as you've given me about the music that I've made you listen to, at least none of those bands has ever graced my GODDAMNED LICENSE PLATE.

CommonWombat said...

Here's how you rate on the mock-meter:

Loving Metalica: 50 Mock-points

Loving Metalica enough to have their name embossed on your vanity plates: 200 mock points

Slapping those plates on a BLACK TRANS AM and driving around rural Missouri?


And not in a good way. Consider yourself whole-heartedly mocked!

Then again, being willing to lay that all out there for the world to see has gotta count for something.

Petra said...

Vanity plates make me laugh and yours was not so bad. I'd have one if I could think of one that was cool cause some but sadly all my ideas are lame. So good for you Karla.

Nature Girl said...

Ok..No mocking from me! That's too cool! LOL I am sort of new as a reader of your blog. This is my first comment, I have tagged you at my place if you are so inclined. It's not a hard or a long tag. Anyway, Thanks for the laugh, love Metallica! Stacie

Anonymous said...

I love you.. don't care that I was witness to this little "indiscretion" firsthand. I would NEVER mock you for will always be my Karla. However, for the people mocking you because you did it in Missouri..they can kiss my corn fed Missouri ass!!

Joanna Arcieri said...

As a former teeny bopper (nsync, britney spears, and the essential hanson), I don't think I desrve the right to mock. Metallica is actually cool when compared to the washed out pop stars of my youth. (That makes my youth like 5 years ago when I was 13.)

Sleeping Mommy said...

Now why would we mock you? Hmmm?

Besides my husband is a huge metallica fan and he would have my head for such mockage.

Walker said...

That's not bad, but imagine if you were a Bare Naked Ladys Fan LMAO

Pirate said...

Mock, mock, mock. If you liked Sir Von Asswipe you must adore his lovely and gracious bride, Peach. Love your blog Karla. Mock on.

Raph said...

Reminds me of a fun site where you can create your own license plate!

Arctic Skipper said...

Coming from someone who owned a New Kids On the Block t-shirt sporting Jordan's face, I think I've forfeited my right to mock.

And yes, I wore it. A lot. *blushcringe*)

Dave Morris said...

I will mock you ONLY for having lived in Missouri, and I must go easy because, well...

StaceyG said...

I still love Metallica. Maybe I should get a license plate like that.

Anonymous said...

ohhh love it. Saw them in concert long ago, ah the 80's I can almost smell them still.

Anonymous said...

Karla you are my favorite cousin and now I know why!!