She's a female

Meet Jake.
He's a Caucasian male. Incredibly sweet, and generally fun to be around,

The two of them, Rottweiler and Caucasian male, get along swimmingly. Neither has bitten the other, and neither has tried to steal food from the other. I never have to break up skirmishes between them or threaten to pick up one of them to beat the other one with. It would seem to be a perfect situation...and yet.
The other day I happened to round the corner just in time to catch Jake on his hands and knees, dipping his face into the dog's water bowl. From what I could tell, he was genuinely shocked to discover how unrewarding the experience was. He gasped and snapped his head up, and if he could talk, I imagine he would have confessed to me that it looked a lot more fun when he saw Jade doing it.
Cute story, right? Not really. Here's what the aforementioned water bowl looked like that day:
I'd like to blame the filth on this... ...and surely some of the blame lies therein, but I know it's my job to clean and properly maintain that water bowl. I'm a bad dog owner, and now my son has cooties as a result of my laziness. So I accept the blame. But the problem remains: I can't keep this kid now. He's been soiled. And yes, goofball, I bathed him. He's had several baths since this horrifying event took place. But who am I kidding? This kind of filth can't be washed away.
Several months ago I tried to get rid of Jake for what I considered a very fair price:
Obviously, he didn't sell, and now his value has plummeted thanks to his recent dip the petri dish. So now I offer you:
Free To A Good Home: One Caucasian male. No need to provide proof of a good home. Your word is good enough. Please come pick him up ASAP.
It's a shame to see a cool kid like Jake get lumped onto the huge-and-ever-growing list of things that have been forcibly ejected from your hoo-hah. If that doesn't give a kid a complex, I don't know what will.
Aha!!!! The Dyckerson influence is rubbing off on you! I caught you stealing two words from my recent Mouth post: HOO-HA and SWIMMINGLY. Coincidence?? I think not.
BTW, I'll take the kid. Has he had all his shots?
Reminds me of a quote from one of my favorite 80s movies, Better Off Dead.
"Now that's a damn shame when people go throwing away a perfectly good white boy like that." (Or in your case, giving away one!) HA!
If I were you, I'd keep him until he decides to copy the dog in yet another manner and develops the filthy habit of licking his front of everyone.
Then I'd pay the gypsies to take him away.
LOL to funny.
You better hope he doesn't mimmic the dog in everyway and the dog doesn't have a leg humping habit.
It could be interesting if your MIL found out one day
Hmm I could trade you for a 2 year old caucasion female that knows how to fluch jewelry down the toilet.
A female flushing jewelry down the toilet would probably make her defective to.LOL
Have a nice day
How about this? I'll pay for shipping if y ou promise to punch some holes in the box.
Dude, that just made me realize that today is half-off Bakery day at the Food4Less. Thanks for the reminder.
The dog has been fine drinking from the bowl for 11 years. What makes you think Jake won't be fine as well. I say as long as he limits the bowl drinking to the one on the kitchen floor and not the one in the bathroom with the tank on it, let good enough alone.
Besides, no one wants a free kid. People want the high priced name brand kid. If he was Ralph Lauren's illegitimate love child or a clone then he's be priceless. I suggest that you post an ad on e-bay with the special talents and alien abduction inspired superpowers he has, and watch the bids roll in.
cute pup. . . . and child.
Maybe we can shuttle our children off to some foreign country, where they might accept those who have been dipped in dogwater and/or injested cat food?
whaddya mean you have to 'clean and properly maintain the water bowl'?? really? my dog drinks out of the gutter and i sure as hell ain't cleanin THAT out. as long as the water is still somewhat in liquid form, he's good to go in my book.
(kidding of course. my dog only drinks evian)
Dyckerson: You've also used the phrase, "I love cock" liberally throughout your blog posts, and I've never lifted that one, so there's no reason to assume the two words in question were stolen from you, either.
has he been de-wormed?
He's a doll, I'd take him, I really would, but mine are almost out of the house now and I have little interest in starting over again at my age. If you don't find any takers though, I guess I could take him for awhile, just until you get another offer. Does he do dishes or mow lawns? I mean, if the kids gotta stay here, he's gonna have to earn his keep...
I still think it's worse that my mom had me bob for apples in the litterbox.
Babbler, you know I was talking about chickens when I said that. Now when do I get the kid? 'Cause my back needs shaving...
One eviction per year. Pees in the tub. Drinks from the doggie bowl. I'll take him, Karla, seeing how he is already reliving my life and all.
Hahaha! I love reading posts about Jake. I never know what to expect.
I thought I knew where this was going, and I didn't, and I'm glad. I couldn't stop laughing. Thank you.
This was too funny. It6's a good thing the dog was drinking out of the toilet and Jake tried to copy that!
Kudos to the not-peeing-in-the-tub accomplishment.
66% of the caucasian males I own pooped in the tub (not at the same time) when they were younger.
I think U2 need go get Jakie's little sister action going first, then have a two for one sale.
You'd make bundles.
I'll take him.
We have one of those automatically refreshing waterbowls and so he'd be fairly safe crawling around in our house. As long as he stays away from the litter box, we'll be just find and toxin-free.
There must be something useful for Jake to do....Windows? Taxes? Dishes?
Why else do people have children?
my son points to the tub and says "potty"?
I think my daughter would enjoy having this male model for a playmate.
How about transport arrangements?
Can't you just mail him to me using UPS?
Good choice ;-)
very funny post!
You CRACK me up.
Cute story and pics.
Does he scavenge for crumbs under the bleachers at baseball games? I don't mind the dog water, but eating someone else's muddy Sour Straws is a deal-breaker.
If you're looking for pedophiles to take him off your hands, go no further than Belgium. Of course, when that tsunami hit about 5,000 of them died but I bet the number has risen back to normal levels. People over there get tired of urinating in each other and move on to new things.
Tempting, but no thanks. I'm actually in the market for a 17 year old southeast asian girl, so if you come across any deals...
It must have been a tough decision.
Some kids just have stale albums and a box of macaroni necklaces and teddy bears to represent their childhoods. Your son on the other hand - well he'll have something special.
As always a pleasure visiting your blog.
You gotta take your act on the road kid,
Jonathan: You're so right. That's why I ultimately decided to just give him away. That's much funnier.
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