Friday, July 29, 2005

Mommy Always Wins

This is the kind of touching photo series that makes young girls want to be mothers. I look at this and I wonder why we aren't models for a Downy commercial or a Gerber baby product. It brings a tear to the eye to see the two of us bonding, so connected, the very picture of mother-son love.

I look at these pictures and think, "The nerve of this kid! Why is HE crying? I'm the one who should cry. Which one of us can be seen carting around a fist full of someone else's dirty diaper several times a day? Which one of us blew up like a prize pumpkin at the state fair because the other was blithely incubating inside us? Which one of us rudely tore our way out of the other's body through a tiny doorway filled with nerve endings, our great big fat head leading the way? Which one of us spends a big chunk of our day napping and eating while the other spends a big chunk of our day working out and starving ourselves because the other turned our body into a science experiment?"

When I bring these points up to Jake, it cheers him right up. He begins to laugh like a hyena, point at me and call me a sucker. So maybe he's won this round, but I'm still plotting his payback. I'm going to send him off to his first day of school every year of grade school with a mullet, powder blue bell bottoms, and a My Little Pony lunch box. Then we'll see who's laughing.


Emily said...

Really, I can't thank you enough for this moving display.

With all of the women around me popping out these little dumplings called babies, it's becoming too frequent a feeling that I want one all my own.

But you have just reminded me of the HORROR. The horror! my body will have to go through to produce my own little one.

God bless you for giving me another free weekend of no-baby stress. :)

Anonymous said...

It almost looks like your strangling the poor kid in a python hold.

karla said...

It's my most loving python hold. Can't let that little bugger escape.

Kiki said...

Crying and all, I love these pictures!!

My little pony lunchbox, bell bottoms--he better get his act together! :)

karla said...

No, my mom would never do that to me.

Meg said...

hahahahaha, i'm so sorry, but oh my god... the third picture makes it so very hard to breathe during all this laughing...

Bearca said...

Of course, when he's a teenager you can constantly remind him of how ungrateful he is of the sacrifices you endured to bring him into this world. That's what I plan to do with mine.

Christi said...

And here I thought I was the only one who had to choke my kid out to get a hug!

Lisa said...

What a beautiful smile you have.

Just let me warn you....the more you make them pay for it...and the older they get...the more you get their retaliations slamming back in your face lol.

You have to try and keep one step ahead of them at all times. This is the most important advice I can give you as a mother. Take heed.

Maja said...

I love those photos! It reminds me of when I hug cats that don't want to be hugged. I think babies are really cute when they cry, and I really like the sound of crying babies.. I don't know why.. though it does grate on you after a while.

You look gorgeous!

Katya Coldheart said...

love the photos, hes cute even though hes crying, and you are gorgeous btw...i love your hair

have a great weekend


karla said...

Maja, good to hear I'm not the only one who thinks crying babies are cute. My desktop background on my computer is a (different) pic of my kid crying, and I think it's so adorable. My friend Gena says she can't stand it; it makes her want to pick him up and comfort him. But he looks so strong and BIG to me in that picture! Plus he's just cute as can be.

Denise said...

Hilarious post and pictures - thanks for sharing! Thanks also for your great comment on my site. My original design was created by Dianne Rigdon at and then I coded it for Blogger and made some tweaks so that it would fit my needs. :)

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Great set of pix, Ms. Babble. If the lad grows up as purty as you he will be some kinda lady killer. Once he gets over the weepies.

Unknown said...

You are too freaking funny! I love those pictures and I KNOW I have a similar set somewhere if I could just find them.

I love the crying baby photos too. Not the hurt or scared ones...just the fussy baby pix with their adorable faces all screwed up into the cutest look of severe dissatisfaction.

Walker said...

Those are very nice pictures of you and your son, but the last one screams out MOM!!!!!!!!! your squeezing me so hard I'm filling up my diaper. LOL
Have a nice day

Anonymous said...

Karla you are literally one hot mamma!

Ellen said...

Please take a picture of that. It would make my year.

Lyvvie said...

See, it completely proves Nature over Nuture: Kids are born with a sense of humor. Otherwise why would they get so happy to pooh in the clean nappy we just put on them...3 times in a row!

We keep a collection of phots thatare going to be used as blackmail when the girls become teenagers. They start mouthing off and the naked garden romps, handstands in skirts and green pea dinner facials are getting shown to the new boyfriends.

StaceyG said...

It totally does look like you are choking him - red face and all!! And yet you are still smiling peacefully. Such control... =)

Paul Nichols said...

How does your hair go back and forth behind your ears in such a short series of photos?